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Flow Fans China - 10 Million Accounts & Permissionless Celebration! image
www.flowfans.org/ discord.gg/JzhBs6FTun

Flow Fans China - 10 Million Accounts & Permissionless Celebration!


Thanks for following Flow Fans China! Here you get the latest information about the Flow ecosystem!




Permissionless deployment of contracts is officially allowed on Flow since July 5th. It means: that anyone can deploy smart contracts to the Flow Mainnet without audits by the team. We welcome all developers and projects to build on Flow!  Another exciting news: Flow Mainnet has over 10m accounts, 1000 active projects, and 2m wallets with transactions every month. 


为了庆祝Flow达成1000万小目标成就~Flow中文社区特此展开福利抽奖活动,注册参加此 hype.day 活动并将关注 @FlowFansChina 的用户将有机会获得以下奖励!名额限 200 位!

To celebrate this 10m-accounts milestone, Flow Fans China will start a round of lucky draws!Register to attend the hype.day campaign and follow @FlowFansChina to try your luck! Only 200 winners will get the exclusive awards below! 


🎁奖励1:Flow NFT.NYC 专属NFT卡包限量 80份,每个卡包可以开出3个Flow生态项目NFT; 

Award 1: Flow NFT.NYC exclusive NFT packs @80. Each pack contains NFTs from 3 Flow ecosystem projects. 


Award2: Exclusive swags (T-shirt+ bag+ hoodie) by Flow Fans China limited @20 (delivery within China Mainland only)


Award3: FLOW tokens @100 


活动截止日期:UTC+8 时间 7 月17 日晚上 12:00;

Event duration: by and before 24:00, 17th July  (UTC+8)

如果您在注册时遇到问题,请在Flow中文社区 Discord 中向我们咨询:discord.gg/JzhBs6FTun 

If you have any questions during registration, please feel free to DM us on Discord: discord.gg/JzhBs6FTun 

注意:请加入我们的Discord channel,如果您中的是奖励1&奖励2,我们会在Discord上和你联系。

Kind reminder: please join our Discord channel. If you win awards 1 & 2, we will contact you on Discord to ask about your information

Flow Wallet


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